I was born again on Monday Night, March 19, 1962 at New Prospect FWB Church in "Seminally", S C. It was the greatest thing to happen in my life and I want to share some of the details with you today.
First there was CONCERN. I grew up in a home where we very seldom attended Church. My parents taught me good moral principles but we had little to do with the Church. My next door neighbor was Mr. Buster Poston, a deacon in New Prospect FWB Church.
As a young boy growing up I watched Mr. Buster and realized that he had "something" that made his life different- and he kept trying to share it with me!! Even though I was "one of those Jones boys", he loved me and kept inviting me to attend Church with his family. He made a special effort to invite me to the Revival being held in March of 1962.
That brings us to my CONVERSION. On the Friday night of the Revival I felt God dealing with my heart about my sin and realized that I was lost and doomed for Hell without God. I passed it off that night by saying that I would get saved on Saturday night. Saturday night I did not feel God's Spirit at all-and I became a very scared 14 year old boy (First lesson God taught me was that HE is God and you come on HIS terms!!). I determined in my bed on Saturday night that I would go to the Altar Sunday and beg God to accept me; but my dad decided to go on a Picnic Sunday Morning and I had to go with the rest of the family.
I thought I had missed my chance until I learned Monday at School that New Prospect had decided to continue the Revival another week. Monday night I could hardly wait for the Evangelist to finish speaking so I could go forward to accept Christ. When the invitation was given I started forward and felt a tug on my coat; one of my friends was trying to encourage me, but I thought he was trying to stop me, so I left my coat with him and went to the Altar!!
I didn't know much "Theology" but I knew I was lost and wanted to have my sins forgiven. As I knelt at the Altar someone leaned over and told me to "Trust Jesus". I did- and have been doing so ever since. He forgave my sins, came into my heart, and made me (yes, ME) a child of God.
And, finally, because of what happened on that Monday night, my life has been CHANGED. My body became the temple of the Holy Spirit and He began conforming me into the image of Jesus Christ. I've had ups and downs and have made many mistakes but I have found that the greatest part of Salvation is the fact that it just keeps getting better and better.
I am glad God loved me enough to let Jesus die for me. I am glad someone shared the Good News of the Gospel with me. And I am in awe of the fact that God allowed me to spend my life and energy sharing the Gospel with others. It is great being a Born Again child of God.
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Areas of Service:
1962 – 1965 Preach in old Pack House until Mill Branch FWBC Built. Various Teaching positions at Mill Branch FWB Church
1965- Graduated from Hannah High School
1965-1969 US Navy- stationed in Hawaii (2 tours of duty in Viet Nam)
1969-1973 Pastor of Poplar Hill FWB Church, Hemingway, SC
1973-1977 Pastor of Grace FWB Church, Lake City, SC
1977-1979 Pastor of Beech Springs FWB Church, Saltillo, Mississippi
1979-1981 Pastor of Grace FWB Church, Lake City, SC
1981-1982 Pastor of Jefferson Road FWB Church, Sumter, SC
1982-1985 Pastor of Shiloh FWB Church, Bratt, Florida
1985-2000 Pastor of Grace FWB Church, Lake City, SC
2000-2007 Executive Secretary, S C State Association of Free Will Baptists
2007-2010 Associate Pastor of Lebanon FWB Church, Effingham, SC
2010- Retired from Pastoral Work
- Director of Minister Ministry
- Sec/Treasurer SCFriends of India
- Director LMFWeb Services
- Sec/Treasurer Evans Family Cemetery.